Getting your 3D prints just right can be a challenge, and incorrect exposure time is a common culprit of printing failure. But don't worry – with Phrozen XP Finder, dialing in your resin for optimal results will become a breeze!
In this article, we'll show you how to access the correct exposure time for your 3D prints. With the help of Phrozen XP Finder, you'll be able to fine-tune your printing settings and achieve high-quality, precise prints with your 3D printer. So let's get started and get those perfect prints you've been dreaming of!
For dialling any resin optimally, you need to only adjust the values for the Exposure times and can keep the other values as default when slicing your file.
1. Print the Phrozen XP Finder
To use Phrozen XP Finder and dial in your resin exposure time correctly, please follow these simple steps:
- Download the Phrozen XP Finder onto your computer
- Load the test print file onto your slicer software and input your desired exposure value(s)
- Save the file in a format compatible with your 3D printer and transfer it to your USB drive
- Print the file using your resin and 3D printer
- Examine the results and adjust your settings if necessary
You can check some of the reference resin profiles for your printer here.
2. Reading the Results
After printing with Phrozen XP Finder, it's important to carefully analyze the results to determine the correct exposure time for your resin. One way to do this is to look for signs of shrinkage or expansion in the print. Underexposure may cause prints to shrink, while overexposure can lead to expansion.
Additionally, it's important to examine the small details of the print for any minor distortions. By taking a close look at the results, you'll be able to make any necessary adjustments to your exposure time and achieve optimal results with your Phrozen 3D printer.
Reading the Texts
The purpose of this step is to verify if the printed text is clear and legible. To fine-tune your exposure time, it's important to pay close attention to the details of the text.
- If overexposed, the letter "e" may appear filled in.
- If underexposed, the dot on the letter "i" may not show up.
Reading the Pillars
The goal of this test is to print as many pillars as possible to evaluate whether the print is underexposed or overexposed. By examining the pillars closely, you can determine the correct exposure time for your resin and achieve optimal results with your Phrozen 3D printer.
- If underexposed, some pillars may not appear.
- If overexposed, some pillars will expand.
Reading the Boards
The purpose of this test is to print as many boards as possible while ensuring that the rectangles remain separate and distinct. By carefully examining the printed boards, you can determine the correct exposure time for your resin and achieve optimal results with your Phrozen 3D printer.
- If underexposed, some boards may vanish.
- If overexposed, the rectangles may blend together.
Reading the Boundary Lines
The purpose of this test is to print clear and distinct lines. To achieve optimal results, it's important to carefully examine the printed lines and adjust your exposure time accordingly. By fine-tuning your exposure settings, you can achieve high-quality, precise prints with your Phrozen 3D printer.
- If underexposed, some lines may vanish.
- If overexposed, the lines may expand.
Reading the Logo
The goal of this test is to print a clear and perfect logo. By carefully analyzing the printed logo, you can determine the correct exposure time for your resin and achieve high-quality, precise prints with your Phrozen 3D printer.
- If underexposed, a large blank space in the center and some boundary lines may vanish or become too thin.
- If overexposed, the center hole can be filled in and the boundary lines to expand.
3. Additional Notes
- Please remember that every resin and printer combination is different, so don't be afraid to experiment with different values to find what works best for you. Use the Phrozen XP Finder as a starting point and fine-tune your settings from there to achieve optimal results.
- Once you've found the optimal settings using the Phrozen XP Finder, we recommend increasing the normal layer exposure time by at least 10% for actual prints and by 20% for larger models over 12cm. This can help to ensure the best possible results and prevent errors or print failures. By following these tips, you'll be able to achieve high-quality, precise prints with your Phrozen 3D printer.
Contact Support
By following the above instruction, you can dial in resin for optimal results. If you face any difficulties during the process, feel free to reach out to Phrozen support or your authorized reseller for further assistance. When contacting Phrozen support, kindly send some photos or videos illustrating the issue.
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