If you're experiencing issues with your Z-axis, start by checking the lead screw for dirt or debris. If it's dirty or has accumulated grease, use a microfiber cloth to wipe it clean.After cleaning and lubricating,if the Z-axis is still unable to move or operating abnormally, we will need to move forward to find out the root cause..
In this article, we will guide you through simple steps to reconnect the motor connecter, and also check the motor condition. By taking these steps, we can examine the z-axis and motor to see if the issue was caused by loose connection or external damage.
1. Reconnect the motor connectors
Checking the motor cable connection on your printer is an important step in ensuring that your device is working properly. If the motor cable becomes disconnected, it can cause your printer stop working altogether.
Power Down and Prepare
- Turn off the printer
- Loosen the 8 screws on the front case and place it in front of the printer
Be cautious when sliding off the cover to avoid damaging any cables
- Remove the rear case by loosening the 10 screws
Identify the motor connector
- Locate the motor connector (as shown below)
Reseating the motor connector
- Check the motor connector is securely connected. If either end is loose, gently push it back into place
Turn on the printer and run Z-axis calibration to confirm proper functionality.
- Plug your Sonic Mega 8K back into the power source and turn it on
- Test the Z-axis to make sure it is working properly
2. Check the Z-axis by turning it by hand
If you experience a situation where the Z-axis becomes stuck during printing or if you hear a grinding noise from the motor, it may indicate a problem with the Z-axis mechanism. This issue is often caused by the buildup of dirt, dust, or resin on the Z-axis or even resin that has seeped into the motor, preventing it from moving smoothly.
Power Down and Prepare
- Turn off the printer
- Remove the building plate and resin vat
Rotate the ball screw to check the mechanism
- Turn the ball screw by hand clockwise and counterclockwise to check for any jamming
- If the Z-axis does not move smoothly, proceed to the next steps to check the ball screw and motor individually
Test motor movement
- Loosen the upper screw of the coupling to separate the ball screw from the motor while leaving the coupling connected to the motor
- Turn the coupling clockwise and counterclockwise with one hand while holding the ball screw with another hand
- If the coupling does not move, it may be due to resin seeping into the motor and causing it to become trapped.
On the other hand, if the ball screw does not move, try cleaning and lubricating the ball screw with spindle oil.
Regular maintenance of the Z-axis and lubrication can prevent this issue from occurring. For more information, check out this post.
Once you complete the above examination, if the issue still persists please reach out to our customer support team for further assistance. When reaching out to us, please also provide us with photos/video of both the Motor Connections and a video for Z-axis movement.
Contact Support
By following these steps, you can quickly and easily check if the z-axis issue still remains or can be resolved. If you find any issues, feel free to reach out to Phrozen Support or your Authorized Reseller for further assistance. When contacting Phrozen Support, kindly send some photos or videos illustrating the issue.
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